Sabtu, Juli 26, 2008
They don't smoke because they are girls. Girls are supposed to be sweet, gentle, elegant, courteous, and everything that describes how a good look and behaves. People are in favor of or against girls who smoke for many reason. But mostly the big issue about smoking girls is against their nature and against from traditional norms and values. Many people still judge girls who smoke as bad girl that follow the trend. There are a statement that smoking is cool, stylish and funky. And if you don't smoke it's mean you are not cool and modern. Can't we judge girl who smoke can't be charming?
If guys are allowed to smoke for no reason at all, so are girls. We say that girls will put themselves at risk of getting fatal diseases from smoking, so will guys, we don't relate smoking guys with traditional norms and values. Why do we do so to girls who smoke? Everybody knows that smoking has bad effects to our health (especially for a girls) and environment, it's also affects the people who don't smoke, we always call that as a passive smoker. There's no advantage from smoking for girls or guys! We only can hope next time girls should not smoke, make sure it is because of health concerns, not traditional prescription. We must remember that girl have an equal right to smoke. If we respect guys, we must respect girls for their choice to smoke!
P.s: This is not for the person who don't like smoking or smoker, both girls and guys, at all.
If guys are allowed to smoke for no reason at all, so are girls. We say that girls will put themselves at risk of getting fatal diseases from smoking, so will guys, we don't relate smoking guys with traditional norms and values. Why do we do so to girls who smoke? Everybody knows that smoking has bad effects to our health (especially for a girls) and environment, it's also affects the people who don't smoke, we always call that as a passive smoker. There's no advantage from smoking for girls or guys! We only can hope next time girls should not smoke, make sure it is because of health concerns, not traditional prescription. We must remember that girl have an equal right to smoke. If we respect guys, we must respect girls for their choice to smoke!
P.s: This is not for the person who don't like smoking or smoker, both girls and guys, at all.
6 komentar:
Mestinya Anjar baca postingan ini... huahahahaha.....
Sebenarnya, budaya merokok pertama kali dilakukan oleh penduduk asli Amerika. Tetapi rokok tersebut hanya dilakukan pada saat pertemuan resmi dan formal (pipa perdamaian).
Kemudian bangsa Eropa yang mulai menyalahgunakannya menjadi sebuah trend. Bahkan, mereka menggunakan jenis rokok yang berbahaya (candu, opium) untuk mencengkeram dan melemahkan rakyat Cina.
Yang lucu adalah,
kalau kuperhatikan, cewek-cewek yang merokok, ternyata tipe-tipe cewek yang sering dibilang feminin, dari berambut panjang sampai "berjilbab".
Sementara aku malah belum pernah menjumpai cewek tomboy yang merokok....
Lho.. apa tumon?
Sudah berhenti merokok sejak lama.......hahahahaha
dulu merokok lebih ke pergaulan, ga sampe ketagihan.. trus berhenti dengan gampang tuuh..
@ kunderemp: hehehe...ya gitu deh ;p
@ Novi: Bagus2...kan dah punya 2 putra yg lucu2, bisa2 mereka protes liat mamanya merokok :D
@ Shanti: Oya? wah tdk menyangka ;p Ya mungkin bisa berhenti dengan gampang karena mba shanti cuma ikut2an aja kali ya...bukan pengen "addicted"
Merokok tidak bagus, apa lagi roko2 dari Indonesia itu kretek, punya nicotin tinggi sekali dan tar juga tinggi.Saya berenti sesudah 12 tahun.
Tapi anak2 pikir kalau merokok mereka rasa seperti lebih dewasa.
Disini, di Barcelona saya kadang2 kalau pergi ke restoran saya suka merokok satu atau dua batang, begitu orang2 kesal karena bau seperti ganja.
Salam dari Barcelona.
yuPe... setuju banget!!!
kadang aQ heran kalau negliat cewek2 berseragam SMP sedang ngerokok....
ya elah....jaman emang sudah kebolak...
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